2018 Blog – Day 3

Daring to be Brave

By today, the girls were in the swing of things!

They rotated lab groups to make sure everyone got to experience the joy of our labs.

The girls are loving their core classes—here is an update on all the cool things they are doing in them:

The students in App Inventor are continuing to use Doodle and started the Boggle project. They explored example apps made by their teacher (who is also the director of our camp) and learned how to make apps look professional by changing its icon.

The girls in CSI learned how footprints can be used as evidence at a crime scene. They practiced making a footprint impression and a plaster mold of a footprint. They also looked at how dental records and/or bite marks can be used to identify victims and suspects. They ended the day defining an alibi and what makes an alibi credible.

The Circuits students learned how to solder devices to a printed circuit board and started their first project: a board with blinking lights that make a siren sound.

The Hot Air Balloon girls completed most of their 9’ balloons. They also watched a demo on particle speed in hot vs. cold water and did a quick experiment on compressing air vs water in a syringe. They finished the class learning about the history of ballooning and listened to a podcast about the world’s first female pilot, Aeronaut Sophie Blanchard.

The students in Structures went on a tour of the campus’ Lyles College of Engineering and its engineering labs. They learned about bridges and designed computer models. They also started their physical models for a competition tomorrow.

After core classes, we conducted “Impromptu Hydrophobic Synchronized Swimming!” The dorm halls came up with a dance to their assigned song within ten minutes. Songs included Dancing Queen, I Will Survive, I’ll Make a Man out of You, Shake it Off, Stayin’ Alive, Circle of Life, Shut Up and Dance.

For many girls, it was their first time dancing in front of a crowd. For all of the girls, it was an incredible time of bravery and laughter.

Afterwards, we hosted free time for the girls to rest and relax as well as engage with each other. They got to try lots of new things and with new friends: Giant Jenga, Cornhole, Giant Tic-Tac-Toe, String Art, Giant Connect Four, Ladder Toss, Spike Ball, Ribbons, “Hit the Deck,” and the homemade hover board.


The evening was complete with sunshine and root beer floats.

The active environment even inspired a dance party as girls learned to square dance from two of our counselors, taught each other their favorite dances, and ignited dance battles.

As the girls learned today, sometimes we can dare to be brave — by ourselves and with others. The result is empowerment and joy.

Even our ‘inspiration board’ showcased the many ways the girls were brave this week!

“I was brave by pulling the losing piece in Jenga.”

“I was definitely brave when I stepped out of my comfort zone and agreed to stay at this camp without my family.”

“I was brave by dancing in front all the girls in Tech Trek.”

“I was brave because I didn’t think physics would be something I’d be good at. But I tried it and it was pretty good.”

“In the past week I have been brave by making new friends and participating in activities. Especially because I am an introvert.”

Check out the rest of the day three photos in our 2018 album!