2017 Blog – Day 2

A starting point for a passion in STEM

Rise and shine for the first day of labs and core classes! After breakfast, each group found their lab for the day–the labs this year include cybersecurity, geo-panes, straw rockets, a scavenger hunt, and string art.

We found time to go bowling together (and discuss the physics, of course). By now, the girls have bonded with people from their lab, hall, or someone they met in passing!

The girls have a variety of classes to choose from, ranging from Crime Scene Investigation to Math in Art. They will get to attend their core classes the entire week (with the exception of zoo day).

Our staff loves to get creative with our activities. We love activities with variations on classics–such as turning “Rock, Paper, Scissors” into “Tarzen, Ape, Jane,” mastering “Ultimate Duck-Duck-Goose,” and collaborating to be the “Charivia” (charades + trivia) champions.

We finished the day with career night to hear from women who work in the STEM field and two counselors who offered extensive advice about college, scholarships, and turning passions into careers.